• Meet the customers to better understand the real needs, quality, safety, environment policy ;

  • Respect the environment in its various components, acknowledging and checking the elements of impact determined by or processes or products and services, and avoiding any form of pollution;

  • Manage the processes and the related activities;

  • Achieve the maximum integration with our suppliers;

  • Inform, form and educate all the staff to the current regulations in force in the field of security;

  • Monitor and manage with appropriate corrective actions the non conformity;

  • Provide all the staff of the instruments to manage their business and inform and teach them, in relation to specific tasks, business on the objectives and the means and instruments available to their achievment;

  • Respect the legislation in force, and any requirements if real and legitimate, of anyone in territorial context can be directly affected by business.




Certificazione gestione ambientale

Certificato 140011

Politica aziendale 30 10 2020

Size: 165.59 KB
